On 7 and 8 October 2020 we will organize the workshop event “Active EU” in Slovenia, Novo mesto. The event is organized in the scope of the project “COUNTER EUROSCEPTICISM WITH YOU VOTE”.
The events main themes will focus on:
Active citizenship
- Presentation of Active Citizenship; what it is; who can be described as an Active Citizen; how to become an Active Citizen, what are typical mechanisms of Active Citizenship; Dismiss a myths about Active Citizenship
- Presentation of successful project and actions in Slovenia that where possible because of Active Citizenship and volunteer work
- Discussion on how to increase active citizenship among youngsters
- Best practices to increase active citizenship
EU values
- Presentation of EU values
- Importance of EU values and their basis for further EU policies
EU future and challenges
- Next challenges for the EU
- Migration crisis and EU policies
Benefits of EU policies
- Policy impact on Slovenia and Novo mesto
- Presentation of examples of changes to the city of Novo mesto
Importance of voting and the participation in the next EU elections
- Why are EU elections important
- Their impact on the EU, member states, municipalities and cities
- Long term impacts of low voter turnout in EU elections
- Promotion of next EU elections 2024
For participation please contact us on:
Project AGENDA:
AGENDA – Promotional event in Slovenia, Novo mesto 7-8.10.2020
More about the project: